Eye Treatments

Eye Treatments

Eye Treatments

Eye Treatments


Zest is a dry eye treatment that is designed to provide rapid improvement in dry eye symptoms. Developed by an ophthalmologist who struggled with dry eye himself, this process of eyelid debridement seeks to address the inflammation at the root of many dry eye symptoms.


LLLT or Low-Level Light Therapy uses heat and light applied to the eyelids to treat dry eyes, styes, and gland dysfunctions.


What is Lipiflow?

Lipiflow is a new technological solution that addresses the underlying cause of your dry eyes, rather than simply treating the symptoms. It is most effective at helping patients whose dry eyes are caused by meibomian gland dysfunction – a condition characterized by problems with the way that the meibomian glands produce the oil that forms an essential part of our tear film. The meibomian glands can become less productive, or in some cases, even blocked by hardened oil deposits. This prevents the oil from reaching your tear film, making it less effective. Lipiflow targets the meibomian glands, warming them to break down oily blockages and massaging your eyes to make sure that the oil, and then the tear film, are evenly dispersed. This helps to combat the symptoms associated with dry eyes, which can include:

  • Eye fatigue

  • Dry, scratchy, and uncomfortable eyes

  • Blurred vision

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses

Your eye doctor will be able to advise you if Lipiflow has the potential to be a suitable solution for your dry eyes.

What To Expect From Lipiflow Treatment?

Lipiflow treatment is a simple, painless process that is performed in the comfort of your eye doctor’s office. There is no need for an anesthetic. Once you are settled in your chair, your eye doctor will open the sterile, single-use applicators which are placed over your eyes. These are connected to a machine that causes the inner eyelids to heat to approximately 42.5°C, while simultaneously placing gentle pressure on the outer eyelid surfaces. Lipiflow takes around 12 minutes per eye, during which time you can relax. You can even listen to music if you’d like to. There is no downtime, and patients can return to their usual activities right away. It takes around 3 days for patients to begin to see an improvement in their dry eye symptoms, although they may require further treatment in the future to maintain them. Optimal results are usually achieved around 6 to 8 weeks following your Lipiflow treatment.

For more information about Lipiflow, or to schedule a consultation to talk about this treatment for dry eyes, please contact our office.


What Is Blephex?

Blephex is a handheld electromechanical device that is applied to the margins of the eyelids with the purpose of cleaning them and improving the effectiveness with which tear film flows onto the surface of the eyes.

Blephex has a disposable, surgical-grade sponge tip that rapidly oscillates to create a cleaning action. Before the sponge tip is placed onto the eyes, it is soaked in a gentle exfoliating solution. This solution provides soft abrasion to help remove dead skin cells and debris that could be irritating the eyes and interrupting tear film progression. The Blephex device is manually applied to the eyes and moved gently across the eyelids, with the entire, painless process taking approximately 6 to 8 minutes per eye. A different sponge is used on each eye, ensuring that no bacteria is passed between them. After the procedure, patients are given instructions on how to maintain the cleanliness of their eyelids with daily/nightly eyelid hygiene at home.

Most patients experience a significant improvement in tear film production and dispersal and a reduction in unpleasant symptoms that they may have been experiencing within 48 hours of their treatment. While a single treatment is normally enough to produce excellent results, many patients are advised to have Blephex every 4-6 months.

What Conditions Can Blephex Help With?

Blephex can be used to clean the eyelids at any time, and people who suffer from dry eyes or eye allergies may find it particularly beneficial for helping to reduce the symptoms that they experience. It can also be combined with Lipiflow – another technological solution – to help counteract the effects of dry eyes.

Unsurprisingly, Blephex is particularly recommended as a treatment for an eye condition called blepharitis. Blepharitis is characterized by the inflammation of the eyelids, which causes them to become red, swollen, and itchy. Although the condition is not usually serious, it can lead to further problems if it isn’t treated.

Symptoms of blepharitis include:

  • Sore eyes

  • Itchy eyes

  • A gritty, irritated feeling affecting the eyes

  • Redness

  • Flakes or crustiness around the roots of the eyelashes

  • Eyelids that stick together when you wake up in the morning

If you are suffering from the symptoms of blepharitis, dry eyes, or eye allergies and feel that you would benefit from Blephex treatment, please contact our team to schedule a consultation appointment.

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