How Can Neurolens Reduce Headaches/Migraines?

How Can Neurolens Reduce Headaches/Migraines?

How Can Neurolens Reduce Headaches/Migraines?

How Can Neurolens Reduce Headaches/Migraines?

Everyone will have experience a headache by the time they become responsible adults. They are common and can occur because of medical, lifestyle, and environmental reasons. While headaches are common, another form of the same condition, called a migraine, is severe, causing multiple debilitating symptoms. 

Migraines can cause throbbing head pain and other symptoms like dizziness, nausea, and sensitivity to light. Like headaches, they can happen for many reasons, and the reason is usually hidden. 

In today’s digital world, a common culprit is found to cause headaches and migraines to many people. Computer vision syndrome, or digital eyestrain, is responsible for about 27% of all reported cases of headaches. 


What Is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)?


Computer vision syndrome of eyestrain is a condition that develops after the extended use of a digital screen. It is a common occurrence in a world largely transitioning to digital lifestyles. 

On average, someone working in the United States will spend about seven hours on the computer. The typical result is computer vision syndrome. It causes several effects on the body, one of which is crucial to headaches and migraines. 


How Does Computer Vision Cause Headaches?


Working on your computer constitutes near-vision work, requiring you to focus on things close to your face for extended periods. However, your eyes are not designed for this; you are meant to maintain a healthy balance of near and distance vision use. Continuous close-up vision can lead to eye misalignment, the main cause of headaches and migraines. 


Eye Misalignment


Eye misalignment forces your eyes to strain more than necessary, generating pressure on different structures. Firstly, your eyes and brain constantly collaborate to provide consistent vision. 

Each of your eyes captures a unique image similar to the other in multiple ways. Your brain combines these images to deliver a balanced 3D image of your world. When your eyes are misaligned, the images that get to your brain are different in more ways than ideal. 

Your brain has to exert more effort to deliver cohesive vision, straining your eyes. When the brain tries to adjust the eyes and correct the alignment, it engages the trigeminal nerve. This nerve is the largest in the face and controls different functions, including the eyes.


Trigeminal Nerve and Headache/Migraines


The nerve can become quite sensitive from the strain that eye misalignment places on it, which can also affect the shoulders and neck. When the strain is significant, the nerve can cause the vessels around the brain to expand, causing headaches or migraines. 


How Neurolens can Help


Eye misalignment is the critical element that leads to headaches and migraines related to CVS. Neurolens® is a novel lens innovation that helps correct the alignment issues that strain your mind and nerves. 

The lens uses prism technology to change how light enters your eye, impacting the alignment. By having this correction, 90% of Neurolens users report reduced symptoms associated with CVS. Among these are headaches and migraines.


For more on how Neurolens glasses can reduce headaches/migraines, contact Chroma Optics at our office in Burlington, Vermont. Please call (802) 497-1676 to schedule your eye exam today.

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